Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Apostolate


Living Out Loud - Young Adult Ministry at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church serves the spiritual and faith formation needs of adults between 18-39 years old, whether single or married. Young Adult Ministry is built on four pillars laid out by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: 1. Connecting Young Adults with Jesus Christ. 2. Connecting Young Adults with the Church. 3. Connecting Young Adults with the Mission of the Church in the world. 4. Connecting Young Adults with a peer community. 

Please see below for a list of upcoming Young Adult Ministry events and ways to stay connected. 

Upcoming Events


Welcome to our Living Out Loud-Young Adult Ministry also known as the LOL-YAM group!

Want to know the latest updates or be part of our spontaneous gatherings? Well simply stay connected through our 'Group Me' group chat, Flocknote or our Social Media platforms.
How do you stay connected? It's Simple! :)

  • For Group Me: Please email us at and someone will send you a link. Please keep in mind that you'll need to download the 'group me' app in order to receive messages.
  • For Flocknote: Put your information in the "Flocknote Signup" section
  • For Social Media: Click on our Instagram and/or Facebook icons down below under our "Contact Us' section

We look forward to meeting you and being part of this growing ministry :) <3

For more information, please contact:

Young Adult Ministry

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