If you are a registered parishioner, we kindly ask that you enter your parishiner ID/envelope number when donating online.
Every registered parishioner is assigned an parishioner ID/envelope number even if you don't use the offertory envelopes. If you need help locating your parishioner ID/envelope number, please call the church office at (713) 621-4370 or sign in to your account. Thank you!
If you are not registered and do not have a number, please use the non parishioner option to give. Do not put zero (0) or any other random number. Thank you!
To donate to help Catholic Charities with their Disaster Relief efforts for those affected by the wildfires in California. Click below on the option that best fits you and select the Catholic Charities Fund on the drop down.
Donate from now through the end of January.
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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