Welcome! This is the place to find out key information about CDA and Court Queen of all Apostles #2258 at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church.
CDA is one of the largest Catholic organizations of women in the world! Founded by the Knights of Columbus (KOC) in 1903, Courts are now organized in 42 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Mexico, and Guam. Our patroness is the Virgin Mary, and our motto is "Unity & Charity".
This Court is celebrating our 41st Anniversary here at St. Michael the Archangel Church! Members accept the opportunity to serve God and ask, “What can I do?” We present a multitude of choices! Members can get involved with programs for youth, education, family, quality of life, spiritual enhancement, leadership- all to help others! For example, committees are working on scholarships for students at St. Michaels School, a seminarian support event, the CDA Christmas Market, homeless initiatives, Wreaths Across America to honor our fallen military, adopting families at Christmas, baking and serving parishioners at the KOC Lenten Fish Frys, organizing spiritual retreats, etc.! This is just a small sampling of activity!
As you contemplate joining CDA, please review the committees listed below with their detailed explanations. We pray that you will join in as we serve and make a positive difference in our Church and community! Just walk into a meeting and you will be warmly welcomed by the faith-filled women of CDA! Will you answer the call? MEMBERSHIP IS A BLESSING!
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CDA Regent:
Gina Rodriguez
Vice Regent: To Be Announced
Recording Secretary: Lee Auchter
Financial Secretary:
Debra Kvinta
Anna Banach-Aikin
Chaplain: Rev. Peter Wood
Committee Chairs:
Christmas Market Chair: Raquel Lewis
Support the Seminarians Event Chair: Glenda Bautista
Memorial Scholarship Fund (MSF) Chair: Grace Murray
Bake Sale Chair: Troyce Resjek
Newsletter Editor: Pat Keller
Membership: Jeanette Pearson
Website: Cynthia Bollinger
SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
CDA Mardi Gras Fundraiser - PLC-A
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
CDA Monthly Meeting - PLC-A
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
CDA Monthly Meeting – Activity Building, Room 1
WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
CDA Monthly Meeting - PLC-A
Bake Sale
CDA partners with Knights of Columbus to make the dessert portion of the Lenten Fish Fry meals available for parishioners to purchase. During the first six weeks of Lent, on Friday’s, CDA needs volunteers to 1) bake or buy cakes and pies 2) volunteer to slice, package, organize desserts 3) serve desserts to parishioners or 4) make a monetary donation to the fundraiser. Will you join in the fun with us?
As CDA “Sisters in Christ”, we mourn and grieve the passing of one of our own. To honor that member, our Court strives to attend the Celebration of Life together, pray the rosary for the departed one, and present the family with a Certificate of Condolence. The certificate acknowledges the worthy member and serves as an expression of our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement. Our Court promptly informs members of any deaths along with the details of the funeral arrangements. All members are strongly encouraged to attend.
Prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year in September, a budget needs to be prepared. The Regent appoints a committee which includes the Treasurer. All foreseeable receipts such as dues, donations, fundraisers, as well as disbursements, such as state and national dues, liability insurance, postage, supplies, charitable donations, etc. are included. The committee periodically reviews the budget as the year progresses and makes any necessary adjustments.
Christmas Market
Click on the link below to read the Special Edition Newsletter detailing the success of the 2nd Annual Christmas Market.
We ask every member to participate in some way to this major event! It is held in November over 2 days. There are over 40 merchants that sell their unique, high quality products to parishioners and attendees. Volunteers can help with obtaining sponsors, selling raffle tickets, donating auction items, serving food, drinks, helping to decorate and so much more! The best part is that it's a ton of fun and all the proceeds go to worthy charities! Please consider being a part of this successful event come Fall!
Circle of Love (COL)
There are 7 points within the Circle of Love that indicate the needs of the Church and community which are best served by Catholic Daughters. They are as follows: FAMILY, EDUCATION, LEGISLATION, LEADERSHIP, SPIRITUAL ENHANCMENT, YOUTH and QUALITY OF LIFE. Each Court is asked to select a program from the “COL” wheel that their members want to pursue. If you want to be a part of the program our Court selects and work with other members on it, just let us know! It’s all about involvement!
Financial Review
Twice a year, specifically, in April and October, all financial records are reviewed in detail. Officers are in attendance while the District Deputy and volunteer reviewers cross-check financial documents for accuracy. Detailed instructions are given to the reviewers by the District Deputy throughout the process. If you are detail-oriented and good with numbers, consider volunteering to be one of the reviewers at the next Financial Review.
This team ensures that there is a variety of light food and drinks available at the meeting, all donated by members. They coordinate food donations, such as salads, appetizers, casseroles, sweets and the like, after talking with and contacting members. They are responsible for setting up, serving and cleaning up after the meal. If your gift is hospitality, this is a great way to be involved in one of the most important parts of our meetings!
We are ALL on this committee! Increasing membership is the lifeblood of every organization! The simple way for our Court to grow is for each of us to ASK SOMEONE TO JOIN! Ask a friend, co-worker, relative, neighbor, church buddy, someone at your gym or in your book club! We ask every member to add at least one new angel to our Court to help us work for our Lord, through our many programs and activities.
Memorial Scholarship Fund (MSF)
The Memorial Scholarship Fund (MSF), founded in 1980, is a Texas State CDA project where the fund is used for scholarships. We give graduating seniors who are relatives of CDA members or Junior CDA members, the opportunity to apply for a scholarship. The scholarship money comes from the sale of Mass Cards to members at CDA meetings throughout Texas Courts. Each Mass Card is $3.00. The card recipient is remembered each month for an entire year at Mass by our CDA State Chaplain. This card is such a meaningful gift, -perfect for birthdays, graduations, illness, passings, or just to show someone that you care! This project has been hugely successful! In the 2022-2024 term, over $100,000.00 was raised and given away in scholarships! Who could YOU gift with a Mass Card?
Each quarter, a newsletter for Court Queen of All Apostles #2258 is written, produced and published. It showcases the activities and events of the Court, important dates, as well as state and national CDA news. Copies are dispersed to members, the Church and prospective members. Comments and suggestions can be made to the newsletter editor. We need someone with computer graphic experience to help with producing the newsletter. It would be extremely helpful to CDA, as we promote the “Unity & Charity” of our active Court. Can you share your talent?
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is comprised of 3 or 5 members who are tasked with the duty to find a new slate of Officers for the upcoming term. These committee members are voted in by the membership. The committee considers all possible candidates for Officer positions by meeting with each of them and discussing duties and responsibilities. One name is submitted for each Officer position, which the Chair reports at the April meeting. The election of Officers takes place at the May meeting, with the formal Installation of Officers ceremony to be conducted by or before the September meeting. The next Nominating Committee will be formed in the Spring of 2026.
Scholarships for St. Michael School
CDA awards scholarships to worthy students at St. Michael Catholic School. Monies are generated by CDA fund-raising activities and by individual member donations. We need a handful of volunteers to administer the Scholarship program, including reviewing applications and participating in the awards ceremony. Is this something you can do for CDA?
Social Media
Whose talent is Social Media? We need YOU! It is very important for our Court to promote key events, for example, our Christmas Market, as well as our works of “Unity & Charity” on Facebook and Instagram. Will you help us get the word out and share your talent with us?
Standing Rules
Standing Rules relate to the details of the administration of an organization, such as our local Court. They can be adopted or changed at any business meeting by a motion or majority vote by those who are present, without previous notice. The rule remains in effect until it is rescinded or amended. Standing Rules need to be reviewed at least once a year to see what is current and what needs to be rescinded or amended.
Support the Seminarians Event
Each year, our Court focuses on supporting the seminarians of St. Mary’s Seminary. In the past, we have shared a deeply spiritual Mass together, followed by a meal. We have an opportunity to speak with them, encourage them, and thank them! One main goal is to support each seminarian with a monetary gift so they can feel the love and support of CDA as they make their journey to Priesthood. If you can help organize the event with the committee, raise money for the seminarians, or donate to this important CDA initiative, it would be greatly appreciated.
Ways & Means
This committee is responsible for fundraising, which is critical to continuing important initiatives, such as providing financial support to seminarians, awarding scholarships to students at St Michael School, giving donations to CDA National, State and local charities and projects, and more. Currently, Wreaths Across America (WAA) and the CDA Christmas Market are the only two fundraisers in place. Two raffles per year are also permitted. Members of this committee can create new fundraising opportunities for the Court to raise monies. They also would encourage members to strongly participate, support and give their time, talent and resources to our organization’s needs so that we may continue to flourish.
Cynthia Bollinger, Chair, uses her 30 years of experience in technology to develop our website and maximize its’ functionality, capabilities and ease of use. Pat Keller, member, provides relevant, quality, informational content. The overall goal is to make our Court’s website the “go to place” for members and prospective members, to find key information, such as, who is CDA, our history, important links, the membership application, upcoming meetings, events, newsletters, event photos, etc.… We encourage all members to check the site often.
Wreaths Across America (WAA)
CDA has been enthusiastically partnering with WAA for the past 4 years to place wreaths on the headstones of our fallen U.S. veterans. Last year, over 3 million wreaths were placed on veteran gravesites in the U.S. We ask each CDA member to purchase at least one wreath before the end of the year, at a cost of $17.00. WAA rewards us with a check based on our sales. It is indeed a worthy cause. REMEMBER the Fallen . . . HONOR those who Serve . . . TEACH our children the value of Freedom. Can we count on you to participate this year? Your purchase can be done at a meeting or online at: www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/TX0939P
Gina Rodriguez, Regent, is an ex-officio member of each committee
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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