Children ages 7 and older who were not baptized Catholic, but would like to become Catholic and receive the sacraments, can be enrolled in the RCIA-Adapted for Children program as early as their Kindergarten or 1st grade year.
The office of Children Faith Formation prepares children who are in grades 1st through 5th for the sacraments. Students in grades 6th through 12th should contact the office of Youth Faith Formation.
RCIA-Adapted for Children at St. Michael the Archangel is a two-year program that incorporates RCIA Faith Formation, preparation for the sacraments, and participation in weekly CCE.
The first year of RCIA-Adapted for Children is an introduction to the faith and takes place during our Sunday Faith Formation program (CCE) at the child's appropriate grade level.
The second year of RCIA-Adapted for Children is a continuation of the first year and takes place in the church offices with the Coordinator of Children's Faith Formation. Children in RCIA-Adapted also enroll in, and participate in, the parish Sacrament Preparation program.
Unbaptized participants (Catechumens) receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil in their second year of preparation and make their 1st Confession several weeks afterward.
Baptized participants (Candidates) receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation the Sunday following Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, in their second year of preparation and make their 1st Confession several weeks afterward.
Please provide a birth certificate (mandatory) upon registration for the RCIA-Adapted program. St. Michael the Archangel cannot baptize a child without having a legal birth certificate for that child on file.
RCIA-A Registration
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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