

"And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." Matthew 28:18-20

The Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacraments of Christian Initiation lay the foundation for the entire Christian life. The first of these is Baptism, which is the gateway to life in the Spirit and the life of grace. Through Baptism, we are freed from all sin, and born again of water and the Holy Spirit as adopted sons and daughters of God (Acts 2:3, John 3:5; CCC 1213, 1262). All sins, both original and personal, which separate us from God, are forgiven in baptism. We are made into a new creation, and are united with our Triune God. Thus, we are incorporated into God's family, the church, and we become heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you are looking to have your child Baptized at St. Michael, please read all of the instructions below before submitting any information. Parents seeking baptism for their child are required to register and both of the parents must attend all classes prior to scheduling the baptism.


1) your child needs to receive the Sacrament of Baptism.

2) your child is 7 years old or younger (if the child is over 7, contact our Children Faith Formation Office at (713) 403-4122)

Infant Baptism Inquiry Form


1) To baptize a child under the age of 6, the parents should submit an Infant Baptism Inquiry form. For children over the age of 7, contact Children's Faith Formation in the Church Office.

2) Email a copy of your child's government-issued certified birth certificate to If you do not already have your child's certified birth certificate, you will need to request it from the county. 

Please note that the state is behind in processing these requests, but if you ask for the short form of the birth certificate, which we do accept, they can often procure one in a shorter amount of time. A baptismal certificate will not be mailed to parents until the child's birth certificate has been submitted to the parish office.

3) The parents should have attended a Baptismal Preparation Course. A Letter of Attendance may be submitted if the course was taken at another parish.

4) Each godparent should sign and submit a Godparent Affidavit Form (found below) to the Baptism Office. If a non-Catholic Christian will be witnessing to the Baptism along with a Catholic godparent, the Christian Witness does not need to sign the form.

Once the office receives ALL required documents, we can reserve a baptism date. Expecting parents, please note that we do not schedule dates until your baby is born. 

Baptisms are regularly scheduled on Sunday at 2:30 p.m.

Once your child has received the Sacrament of Baptism, the Office of Sacramental Records will send your child's Baptismal Certificate to the address you submitted on the Baptismal Inquiry Form. Please keep in mind that the mother's maiden name will be listed on the Baptism Certificate.

Godparent Affidavit


The course is an Introduction to the Sacrament and Diving into the Rite.


It makes use of an incredible baptism series entitled Reborn. Reborn offers a detailed look into what the Sacrament of Baptism means for you, your child, and your family.  It includes a quiz, as well as a detailed review of the Rite of Baptism at Saint Michael the Archangel.

To request a Letter of Attendance for the baptism class for baptisms at another parish, please click here.

Baptism Class Dates


2025 Dates:

Saturday, March 15

Saturday, April 26

Saturday, May 17

Saturday, June 21

10AM - 12PM

All classes are scheduled in Activity Building, Room 21

To register for the class, please click on the link below

Baptism Preparation Class


To be chosen as a godparent is a very special honor. Godparents help parents raise their child to be a dedicated Catholic. A godparent cannot accomplish this unless he/she is a deeply dedicated Catholic himself/herself.

Who Can be a Godparent?

When a godparent lives a Christian life in partnership with their godchild, both of them will experience the great joy of sharing a life of faith. To help ensure this, godparents must meet Canon Law requirements and Diocesan Guidelines:

1. A child must have one godparent, but can have only one godmother and one godfather. (Code of Canon Law #873)

2. Any godparent must be at least 16 years of age (for maturity's sake) and be a practicing Catholic, and cannot be a parent of the child. 

3. Godparents must have received all three Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.

4. Godparents must live sacramental lives, i.e. attending Mass at least every Sunday, receiving Communion, making use of the sacrament of Reconciliation frequently

5. Godparents must be registered members of a Catholic parish.

6. Godparents may not be living a life of habitual sin.

7.  If married, godparents must either be in a valid Catholic marriage, or their marriage must be convalidated by the Catholic Church.

8. If single, godparents cannot be cohabitating.

9. Godparents must have the intention of undertaking the ministry of a godparent.

This may seem like a lot of rules, but their purpose is to ensure that the rich and beautiful faith of the Church is passed on to your child in the most loving and authentic way possible.

Can a non-Catholic Christian be involved in my child's Baptism?

A Christian who isn't Catholic can certainly have a strong, positive influence on the faith life of a Catholic child, which is why the Church allows for a non-Catholic Christian to participate in the baptismal ceremony as a witness alongside one godparent (Code of Canon Law #874). The Christian Witness must:

1. be of the opposite gender of the godparent.

2. at least 16 years of age.

3. have already received a Trinitarian Baptism (Baptism in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit).

4. be practicing a faith in a non-Catholic, Christian denomination.

5. belong to an ecclesial community.

For more information contact:

Mary Abrams


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